4-MU Fluorescence Filter Set

  • EX: 310
  • EM1: 450

Fluorescence filters and dichroic for 4-Methylumbelliferone (4-MU) and other similar fluorophores. Includes proper bandpass filters at 310nm and 450nm and dichroic at 410 nm.

These filters can be used on all CLARIOstar microplate readers*.

*For use in Fluorescence polarization your reader must be equipped with the FP option.



Relevant App Notes/Citations

CLARIOstar determines activity of a moss-produced human acid alpha-glucosidase (GAA) in a fluorescence-based assay

Birgit Berg, Anita Fischer, Fabian Hässler, Paulina Dabrowska-Schlepp, Franka Maurer, Stefanie Tintelnot, Greenovation Biotech GmbH, Germany*, BMG LABTECH GmbH, Ortenberg, Germany, 08/2019