MitoXpress® Filter Set

  • EX: 337
  • EM1: 645

Filters for MitoXpress® time resolved fluorescence assay. Includes a TREX excitation filter, LP TR dichroic and 645nm emission filter.

These filters can be used on all CLARIOstar microplate readers*.

*To use these filters your reader must be equipped with the TRF option.



Relevant App Notes/Citations

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Andrea Krumm (1), C. Carey (2), M. Schwalfenberg (3), J. Hynes (2), R. Kettenhofen (3) (1) BMG LABTECH GmbH, Ortenberg, (2) Agilent Technologies, Cork, Ireland, (3) Ncardia, Cologne, Germany 07/2017

Measuring changes in cellular metabolism by monitoring extracellular acidification and oxygen consumption in real-time

David Hoffman (1), Carl Peters (2) (1) Cayman Chemical Ann Arbor, MI, (2) BMG LABTECH Inc. NC USA 05/2017

Real-time measurement of intracellular O2 in mammalian cells

Franka Maurer (1), Conn Carey (2) (1) BMG LABTECH, (2) Agilent Technologies 02/2016